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The Fifty-Fifty



FullTilt Network


Prize Pool




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Total PokerStaker Cashes

PokerStake Country Distribution

Ranked Tournament Results

Site Name Amount Won PokerStake Name Rank Posts Last Login
126 shockersf $84.32
127 jacky19 $79.05
128 StuMan123 $79.05
129 Cloven Hoove $79.05 0
130 TLewA $79.05
131 AustinA $79.05
132 GFUA22 $79.05
133 Hangman32 $79.05
134 RandySexyFish $79.05 1
135 calibuds86 $79.05
136 zacman51 $79.05 118
137 venicestu $79.05 6
138 playerags $79.05
139 awash in echoes $79.05
140 Que1620 $79.05 51
141 Coug It $79.05
142 Ktoom $79.05
143 Da Ness $79.05
144 duggins_edge $79.05
145 ndftbll $79.05
146 Edu_Bicudo $79.05
147 PDADDY3828 $79.05
148 1buggy1 $79.05
149 Sniff My Finger $79.05
150 danutz60 $79.05

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