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Mini SUPER SIX Bounty Turbo $6.45



GGNetwork Network


Prize Pool




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Total PokerStaker Cashes

PokerStake Country Distribution

Ranked Tournament Results

Site Name Amount Won PokerStake Name Rank Posts Last Login
620 Gitchie1 $3.00
622 CedSanterre $1.50
626 Matthew Phillips $3.00 5042 0
629 BUDINHA $3.00
630 Folie888 $1.50
631 Legoluccis $3.00
638 YuriSalles $1.50
649 Barth157 $2.25
654 OlezhkaGG $1.50
661 Lu_Ka1 $3.00
664 Mean And Grumpy $3.00
671 steeveminou $1.50
672 pokertepec $1.50
677 TachuCarc $1.50
686 Pipocao $1.50
690 Go1x1noobs $1.50
691 Karsson $1.50
708 mojitopls $1.50
709 followmo $1.50
714 Mr Tigr $3.00
715 F1nalboss $1.50
725 DemonErlan $1.50
726 SuperNova92 $4.50
728 ComebackKd $1.50
730 Dudeism $1.50

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