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66-L: $8.88 Short Deck Bounty Bash



GGNetwork Network


Prize Pool




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Total PokerStaker Cashes

PokerStake Country Distribution

Ranked Tournament Results

Site Name Amount Won PokerStake Name Rank Posts Last Login
386 xujiazi $4.00
387 Rulkeee $4.00
390 Kpaxian $7.00
393 very luck man $2.00
397 EvilSanta404 $4.00
400 Cicada555 $3.00
401 SPINNE840 $8.00
404 Yura Selivanov $4.00
405 TriBelbixGusya $2.00
408 Hodyachiy $6.00
412 Hazzard24 $2.00
413 likeN0other $6.00
415 goosebumps4 $2.00 895 0
416 BONITOS $6.00
420 iduPoGolovam $2.00
427 Crock95 $5.00
433 TigranH $2.00
439 La Matadora $4.00
440 OMouseO $7.00
442 Artannr $2.00
452 AnchStyle $5.00
457 Haoe2011 $6.00
461 Sellin29 $10.00
466 Tomi Dwan72 $2.00
470 ARIA0918 $2.00

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