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66-L: $8.88 Short Deck Bounty Bash



GGNetwork Network


Prize Pool




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Total PokerStaker Cashes

PokerStake Country Distribution

Ranked Tournament Results

Site Name Amount Won PokerStake Name Rank Posts Last Login
474 echoscience[st] $16.50
482 RoseLou $2.00
485 Yowai mo $9.50
488 AKJQ998 $4.00
492 Denis Savelyev $3.00
496 Imparator1978 $10.00
500 lichifeng $4.00
501 Joman- $2.00
507 ziabol_Lbn $11.00
508 Forlis $3.50 5356 0
520 RicoMaat $8.00
521 Smile233 $17.00
526 Katumboshka $7.00
527 nobera81!@ $8.00
528 jpal $4.00
534 T3rain $3.00
535 neTywOK $2.00
536 DesnicaGGpokera $2.00
540 OlegAtanasov $2.00
541 Lelia2025 $11.00
545 SonOfRose $2.00
554 SpicyTaco $4.00
568 2200 - 22000000 $6.00
571 BEAASTEST $8.50
572 Erkki $2.00

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