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66-L: $8.88 Short Deck Bounty Bash



GGNetwork Network


Prize Pool




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Total PokerStaker Cashes

PokerStake Country Distribution

Ranked Tournament Results

Site Name Amount Won PokerStake Name Rank Posts Last Login
729 very luck man $4.00
732 purej0y $1.50 1607 1
741 KacperK $2.00
757 All_in All_Day $2.00
758 CaraBastao $6.00
759 OlegAtanasov $2.00
764 FISH-BEGINNER $11.00
766 Reg2013 $4.00
767 LosAangeles $2.00
769 BuffBunny $2.00
773 Evg Mitrofanov $2.00
775 KOUKOU296 $4.00
777 TheIsengard $11.00
778 JoHanuta $2.00
792 PositivBoy $5.00
794 K Margaryan $10.00
797 BKB2 $2.00
803 easysteal $2.00
804 Nrvalo $6.00
805 T KANGJIN $9.66
822 Katel10 $12.00
833 RestreeTO $4.00
839 9m41k $2.00
841 CATCATx $2.00
845 NePTune GG $8.00

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