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PM #70 $20K Gtd



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Total PokerStaker Cashes

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Ranked Tournament Results

Site Name Amount Won PokerStake Name Rank Posts Last Login
226 prncssbtrcup7 $23.19
227 bustmegently $23.19 12379
228 chefkrumb1 $23.19 15231 18
229 Adamantine1 $23.19 18
230 Ramel34 $23.19
231 heepster $23.19
232 IRiverdtheNutz $23.19
233 racefeva $23.19
234 Catcherz99 $23.19
235 Dealm8ker69 $22.09 13223 1
236 pandaman125 $22.09
237 PokerQueen2321 $22.09
238 HREIII $22.09
239 justwaiting4stars $22.09
240 oddsgod22 $22.09
241 ApacheDriver $22.09
242 HOUSE222 $22.09
243 Worm1120 $22.09 9099 152
244 motai1013 $22.09
245 RiverChaser87 $22.09
246 ungarskillz1 $22.09
247 CallMeRicky $22.09
248 beardown85 $22.09
249 TheFunPolice $22.09
250 HeadToWall $22.09 25

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