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MiniFTOPS Event #3



FullTilt Network


Prize Pool




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Total PokerStaker Cashes

PokerStake Country Distribution

Ranked Tournament Results

Site Name Amount Won PokerStake Name Rank Posts Last Login
476 WhoIsLively $115.11
477 SUPERMONIK $115.11
478 mrstrongcaulk $115.11
479 Dolli Poker $115.11
480 Scotty1Nut $115.11
481 kook2k $115.11
482 Treiser79 $115.11
483 MrNiphty $115.11 1912
484 pokernut1977 $115.11
485 Eurntje $115.11
486 EmjustgetPwn $115.11
487 KBud27 $115.11
488 jomapel $115.11
489 ladyshine5 $115.11
490 LucaMi $115.11
491 FederallyFunded $115.11
492 poplovok $115.11
493 jdog_fl22 $115.11
494 FlushyFish $115.11
495 dan423 $115.11
496 KingGorn $115.11 5
497 lx badmoon xl $115.11
498 Chomper44 $115.11 5
499 KidRoscoe $115.11
500 danslamm $115.11 7089 52

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