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MiniFTOPS Event #3



FullTilt Network


Prize Pool




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Total PokerStaker Cashes

PokerStake Country Distribution

Ranked Tournament Results

Site Name Amount Won PokerStake Name Rank Posts Last Login
76 EMSBas $551.59
77 fmeright $551.59
78 badbeatme $551.59
79 KCBlitzz $551.59 32
80 MyBologne $551.59
81 Moonzyy $551.59
82 Robin Blackman $479.64
83 LoafVendor $479.64
84 JNUT_5 $479.64 3
85 Dr DwightConrad $479.64 0
86 mcdonk $479.64
87 ADCampbell $479.64
88 Tony Bonz $479.64
89 threat89 $479.64
90 BAKSHMON $479.64
91 Superfizzy $407.70
92 whatever2615 $407.70
93 adamthebook $407.70
94 fencinirish $407.70
95 Ari $407.70 455
96 joao bauer $407.70 919 0
97 bliNNNdlinks $407.70
98 DeepInCidurr $407.70 971 0
99 mistertwy $407.70 3
100 Kuroshi $407.70 3

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